Another week to another alchemo session on Wednesday, 9/4 from 8:30am to 11am, EST. These sessions get shorter as my body is adjusting to the medication and they are able to administer it at a faster rate, same dose less time.
I show up and the nurses all know me as the “special one”. 🙂 Because I always have a special request of holding my medicine before they hook it up to my IV. I hold the medicine and chant to it silently, allow my body to feel it, integrate it, direct it to search and destroy cancer cells, kill the disease without killing the person and with that for the benefit of all beings. It takes a couple of minutes for my body to feel and accept the drug externally before I take it internally. The nurses now learn to hand me each drug, walk away to do their little tasks and come back in a few minutes. lol! I appreciate their patience and allow me the time with my little rituals. I am also the only person that alternates between sitting meditation and walking the hallway toting my IV tree around while I get my treatment. They are all so nice giving me the space to do so.
After this one, I only have one more to go at the end of September. I am already planning all the tai chi trips I could go on. I still have maintenance doses I need to do ongoing on a regular basis, but it wouldn’t be as intense. The maintenance drug I receive is not considered chemo. It’s a drug that inhibits the formation of blood vessels so tumors can’t grow.
At stage 4 cancer, there is no such thing as remission in doctors’ books, it’s all about extend and prolong life, but doctors don’t know everything… neither do I. I only need to take one breath at a time, live one day at a time, do one treatment at a time. The rest is taken cared of by life. I have come to know the essence of living is really that simple.