It has been a week of recovery. So far so good. Some side effects, nausea and diarrhea did hit me on Day 3 & 4, but not bad at all and was quite manageable. I am a bit low on energy depending on the day. I was happy to take my “sickcation”, enjoy a good book and some TV shows which I rarely do. It has been an enjoyable week overall! 🙂
I have also figured out ways to handle nausea better. I feel like I am pregnant all over again. LOL! I tell myself it’s ok because this time I am giving birth to my True Self!

What I discovered was I have a little guardian angel by my side, Oreo. Oreo was adopted and am pretty sure he was abused. He is scared of everything and everyone, rarely shows up, hides around the house all the time. He is the sweetest soul when he shows himself though and I always feel so special when he lets me pet him. When I was feeling really sick, he could sense it somehow and the more out of it I feel, the more he watches over me and let me pet him, even slept on my bed with me which happened maybe a handful of times of the 3 years he lived with me. This one is special!