Last night, in another lucid dream state, “Master Breath” showed up to teach again in the silence and stillness of the night when I was in a complete relaxation state.
This time, I was lying on my back. After following it for a few relaxing breaths in and out, it guided me to drop the back of my tongue as if tucking my tongue to sleep. I followed and immediately breath flowed to the back of my throat and opened the airway wide open. I never realized I was stuck on the front of my throat… as if I was ready to defend myself verbally anytime. LOL! Have I been like that my whole life?! Even in my sleep??
As I breath into it, it started to open the front of my neck bones. I had an auto accident over 20 years ago that gave me a severe whip lash. The front of my neck was closed in. I can’t tell you how many chiropractors have tried to “correct” that curvature without success over the decades. Now it’s opening on its own!
The sensation in my throat was open and relaxed and my breath immediately traveled to the upper lobe of my lung where the original tumor is. A white light pulsated through my lungs.
My throat chakra opened. The throat chakra has to do with how we express ourselves in the world. It’s connected through our hands, what we do with our lives including career choices we make.
As I relaxed and connected with the chi flowing through, it dropped into my heart directly. That’s the heart chakra. There was a strong bond/circuitry forming intensely between my throat and my heart like it’s pulsing as one. Is that why people say “speak from your heart?” Words have a powerful vibrational energy when it comes directly from the heart. As I was dazed from the realization, a strong circulation coursed through my hands and my heart… like “holding the ball” in so many of our tai chi moves especially in transitions between one movement to the next. Is that why we “hold the ball” so many times in so many different ways in our tai chi set?
When our heart is open, it flows out in the work we do in this world. It makes sense that if/when we choose work that’s not in our alignment with our heart, in order to get the job done, we would have to close our heart to disconnect in order to push on. No wonder we could be so exhausted and depleted. If we try harder, we tense up even more.
When the things we choose to do are aligned with our heart energy, we are open to receive the generosity of the world and energy flows through in everything we touch. We are able to give and receive with effortless ease.
There have been three different astrologists in my life with completely different training backgrounds and traditions that told me I have a book in me. I just never had a reason to write a book. Until my cancer journey, I had no reason to make my writing public even though I have been writing almost on a daily basis for over a decade.
I thought Tagrisso was the reason I was getting better so fast initially, but looking back, maybe it was writing this blog that uplifted me. I posted on my blog almost daily initially, then as I got better I started to sensor myself. Meanwhile, I thought I could go back to my business doing what I was doing… which my body clearly did not support based on the latest scan results.
Well, Destiny, please meet Digital Age! There is a reason I spent the last 20 years building websites. I am not going to write a book (yet), but I will build a website so that the lessons I learned on this journey could be shared to help others in their healing journey instead of being a personal blog.
Once again, life gave me exactly what I need even though it’s the last thing I want! I could act like a little girl and cry about how I have been a good girl and I didn’t get what I wanted and life is unfair… or I could be a mature adult and let go of my desire so I could truly receive from life what I am meant to receive and do with an open heart. Thank you, Life!
I am leaving tomorrow for a tai chi week next week. I am going dark on electronic devices. I can’t wait to experience a tai chi week under the guidance of “Master Breath”. What an interesting week I have to look forward to!
With all my love to you all… have a wonderful week!